Green Coffee The Green coffee is coffee beans that which have not been roasted and it contains high nutritional ingredients. Coffee beans consist of 250 different types of chemical substances, some of them have positive effect on human healthiness. The main function of the slimming is to be able to fasten the blood circulation and metabolism process within a very short period of time. Hence, it is able to achieve the speedy effect of fat burning.
The Lecithin is the main ingredient of Soybean Lecithin and its main function is to break down the fat molecules. It reduces the size of the fat molecules so that these small fat molecules are easier to be burned away. Medical research has proven that the Lecithin can reduce cholesterol, enhance metabolism process as well as the function of liver. In Germany, Lecithin has been widely used as local or overall fat burning. The effect is good and safe too.
L-Carnitine is one of nine essential amino acids. It also helps to deliver the glucose in the body to the whole body evenly. This will eliminate the problem of partial fat in our body.
L-Carnitine will let the fat to be penetrated into mitochondria within short period of time. It helps to burn the fat fully and converts the fat to become energy for the body to utilize. It has no side effects. When we consume L-Carnitine, it is good to combine with aerobic exercise which will enhance the fat burning process as well as the slimming effect!
Green Tea
The green tea contains Polyphenols which help in anti-oxidation process, anti-bacterial, anti tumor, inhibiting Low-density Lipoprotein - LDL (breaking down the blood cholesterol) and inhibiting the increase of blood sugar as well as protect the cells by preventing the damaging effect of free radicals.
The anti-oxidant substance, namely Catechins (a type of Polyphenols) which has a significant slimming effect.
The Catechins in green tea helps to eliminate abdominal fat. At the same time, it enhances the metabolism process indirectly which helps to fasten the burning process, break downs Triglycerides enzyme and achieves the slimming effect.
Vitamin B
It helps to enhance the burning ability of mitochondria and it acts as the nutritional supplier to mitochondria. The lack of vitamin B in mitochondria will result insufficient of body energy which will cause the difficulties in fat burning process which is delivered by L-Carnitine.
Garcinia Fruit (Garcinia Cambogia)
It has three main functions. Firstly, it inhibits the synthesize process of fat. The theory is based on the fact that when the glucose in the body converts to fat, it inhibits the ATP CITRATE LYASE enzeam which causes the fatty acid cannot be synthesized and inhibits the process of Glycolysis. It enhances the burning process of fatty acids and speedily activates adrenaline and therefore, fastens the elimination of fat. It also breaks down as well as burns off huge amount of fat and reduces the absorption of fat. The Carcinia fruit is enriched with dietary fibre which can increase stomach full feeling and thus reduce the consumption of food.
The theory is based on the fact that when body consumes fat and fatty acid, Chitosan will be able to block the absorption of fat in the intestines and yet, it will not affect the absorption of the essential protein which body needs. Therefore, those who intent to get slim will be able to consume fat protein without worry about absorbing too much of calories which is produced from fat. Hence, it helps to reduce additional fat and cholesterol and eventually achieves desired slimming effect.
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