Hong Kong Model Brandy Lim just launched the Dé Beauty Reborn Nutri Bifidus at D’Balcony Bistro & Bar, Publika. She is currently the new spokesperson for Dé Beauty Reborn Nutri Bifidus commading five figure sum. Dé Beauty Reborn Nutri Bifidus is a detox slimming product that helps to achieve a svelte figure, and eradicates stubborn fats that are commonly located at stomach, thighs, hips, arms and waist areas.
Brandy Lim, who recently played the leading female character in Eric Lim’s music video, was happy to be the spokesperson for this product, and honored to be given the opportunity to work with Dé Beauty. When interviewed, Brandy hope that Dé Beauty sales will increase and will conduct more activities with the company. Thus she is looking forward to be able to commands six figure sum as Dé Beauty spokesperson or ambassador in the future as the company progress.
According to Dé Beauty Sales Manager Jak Tan, “We chose Brandy because of her healthy body image and warm personality. Moreover, she has been to Tokyo to further her modelling career after she was crowned Miss Malaysia. Brandy can be considered as a weight loss expert after spending a year studying nutrition in Japan. After we’ve spoken with her, we found out that Brandy used to drink Reborn Coffee in Japan several few years ago. After she has decided to come back to explore her career opportunities in Malaysia, she’s the obvious candidate to be our spokesperson”.
Brandy has personally gone through trials-and-errors on weight loss regime, and nowarmed with the correct information on how to stay slim the healthy way, she wantsto share her knowledge and help those struggling with weight issues. She reiterated that Reborn coffee is not a form of diet pills, but to replace her black-coffee drinking habit. In fact, consuming black coffee for a long period of time can cause gastric problem, and dehydrates your skin. However with Dé Beauty Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee to burn fats and reduce weight. Brandy’s key advice is to go on healthy diet, exercise and eat healthily. For a start, develop a habit of having a healthy breakfast and a cup of Reborn coffee.

Women who wish to achieve and maintain a slimmer figure need to do so healthily and avoid all forms of crash diet. Nutrients are vital to new mothers who have just given birth and still-growing teenagers.
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