Green Coffee Beans has become the latest fashion in slimming product
• 比正常人罹患高血压的机率超过3 倍,中风的机率要高出两倍多
• 糖尿病发病率比正常体重人士高出3 倍,罹患胆结石机率高出7 倍
• 罹患乳癌和子宫颈癌的机会比正常人高出约2 倍
• 肥胖因素可能来自心理障碍、疾病、基础代谢率、体能活动量少、不规律饮食习惯、遗传或药物引起的肥胖或内分泌失调等
Reborn Lecithin Green Coffee
• 绿咖啡Green Coffee
The Green coffee is coffee beans that which have not been roasted and it contains high nutritional ingredients. Coffee beans consist of 250 different types of chemical substances, some of them have positive effect on human healthiness. The main function of the slimming is to be able to fasten the blood circulation and metabolism process within a very short period of time. Hence, it is able to achieve the speedy effect of fat burning.
• 卵磷脂Lecithin
The Lecithin is the main ingredient of Soybean Lecithin and its main function is to break down the fat molecules. It reduces the size of the fat molecules so that these small fat molecules are easier to be burned away. Medical research has proven that the Lecithin can reduce cholesterol, enhance metabolism process as well as the function of liver. In Germany, Lecithin has been widely used as local or overall fat burning. The effect is good and safe too.
• 左旋肉碱L-Carnitine
L -肉碱是9种的必需氨基酸的其中一种。L-Carnitine也能帮助运输体内的葡萄糖到身体的每个角落达到平衡,就不会让身体有部分肥胖的问题出现。
L-Carnitine is one of nine essential amino acids. It also helps to deliver the glucose in the body to the whole body evenly. This will eliminate the problem of partial fat in our body.
左旋肉碱 L-Carnitine能把脂肪在短时间内把带入线粒体帮助脂肪完全燃烧把它转换成能量让身体运用消耗。無副作用。服用左旋肉碱 L-Carnitine,配合有氧運動,能提高脂肪的消耗,減肥達到事半功倍的效果!
L-Carnitine will let the fat to be penetrated into mitochondria within short period of time. It helps to burn the fat fully and converts the fat to become energy for the body to utilize. It has no side effects. When we consume L-Carnitine, it is good to combine with aerobic exercise which will enhance the fat burning process as well as the slimming effect!
• 绿茶Green Tea
The green tea contains Polyphenols which help in anti-oxidation process, anti-bacterial, anti tumor, inhibiting Low-density Lipoprotein - LDL (breaking down the blood cholesterol) and inhibiting the increase of blood sugar as well as protect the cells by preventing the damaging effect of free radicals.
The anti-oxidant substance, namely Catechins (a type of Polyphenols) which has a significant slimming effect.
The Catechins in green tea helps to eliminate abdominal fat. At the same time, it enhances the metabolism process indirectly which helps to fasten the burning process, break downs Triglycerides enzyme and achieves the slimming effect.
• 维他命 B Vitamin B
有帮助提升线粒体的燃烧能力,维他命 B 是线粒体的营养供应。缺乏维他命 B 的供应线粒体的能量不足,很难消耗由左旋肉碱 L-Carnitine带来的脂肪。
It helps to enhance the burning ability of mitochondria and it acts as the nutritional supplier to mitochondria. The lack of vitamin B in mitochondria will result insufficient of body energy which will cause the difficulties in fat burning process which is delivered by L-Carnitine.
• 藤黄果 Garcinia Fruit (Garcinia Cambogia)
它 具有3大功能,它能抑制脂肪的合成,原理就是在人体葡萄糖转为脂肪时,抑制其中一个ATP CITRATE LYASE的酶素 ,使脂肪酸无法合成,拼且抑制糖解(Glycolysis)作用的进行。促进脂肪酸的燃烧,迅速激活肾上腺素加快脂肪消耗,分解燃烧大量的脂肪。和减少脂 肪的吸收,藤黄果含有丰富的植物纤维素能使胃具有饱和感,使人体减少食物的取入。
It has three main functions. Firstly, it inhibits the synthesize process of fat. The theory is based on the fact that when the glucose in the body converts to fat, it inhibits the ATP CITRATE LYASE enzeam which causes the fatty acid cannot be synthesized and inhibits the process of Glycolysis. It enhances the burning process of fatty acids and speedily activates adrenaline and therefore, fastens the elimination of fat. It also breaks down as well as burns off huge amount of fat and reduces the absorption of fat. The Carcinia fruit is enriched with dietary fibre which can increase stomach full feeling and thus reduce the consumption of food.
• 幾丁聚糖(Chitosan)
其 原理是當人體攝取脂肪及脂肪酸後,幾丁聚糖(Chitosan)可以在消化道內阻礙脂肪的吸收且將脂肪排出體外卻又不會影響到人體必需的蛋白質吸收。因此 減肥的人可以食用含脂肪的蛋白質而不必擔心吸收太多由脂肪提供的熱量。因此可減少體內多餘脂肪及膽固醇而達到減肥的功效。
The theory is based on the fact that when body consumes fat and fatty acid, Chitosan will be able to block the absorption of fat in the intestines and yet, it will not affect the absorption of the essential protein which body needs. Therefore, those who intent to get slim will be able to consume fat protein without worry about absorbing too much of calories which is produced from fat. Hence, it helps to reduce additional fat and cholesterol and eventually achieves desired slimming effect.
产品的优势 Product Advantages
• 纯天然成分, 绝无添加任何的化学成分,不会抑制中枢神经
Quality slimming and body detoxify product, improve the immune system and balance the blood alkalinity
• 不是代餐,不必忍受减肥过程中的痛苦
Without any drug. Hence, there is no side effect towards our body
• 自然瘦身,不易复胖
Help in absorption of nutrients and anti-inflammation, leads you to the healthy slimming process
带给人体的效益 Product Benefits
• 提高人体的新陈代谢,加快体内脂肪的燃烧量
Decompose body toxin and for easier nutrient absorption
• 促进脂肪酵素的活性,抑制脂肪的囤积
• Encourage bowel movement, remove accumulated feces and avoid constipation
• 调节内分泌,有效促进排水消水肿
Help to normalize body function, anti-inflammation and destroy free radical
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