Thursday, 29 August 2013
[知识分享] 你吃的食物里多少卡路里?让我们一起学习如何控制卡路里。
赘肉有罪—就算贝丝·迪托(Beth Ditto)能上时尚杂志的封面,能为英国女装品牌做设计,就算卡尔·拉格菲尔德都能接受这个200多磅的“大”女孩进入时尚圈—我们还是应该旗帜鲜明地反对肥胖。这项无比伟大的事业可以从控制自己每天摄入的热量开始做起。
反对肥胖和体重歧视并没有什么关系。人体无法消耗的多余热量会转化为脂肪,而身体多余脂肪的破坏力绝对不只是让你开始抱怨自己的体形而已。除了引起情绪低落和失眠,引发心血管疾病、痴呆症、关节坏死等疾病以外,肥胖还会增加一个人患癌症的可能性和癌症治疗的难度。肥胖病专家Barry Popkin博士在新书《世界是“肥”的》(The World is Fat)中说:“肥胖是最有可能预防的癌症病因之一,但是大多数人却并不知道这一点。”
对于习惯吃中餐的人来说,要精确计算每餐摄入的热量简直就能让人挠破头皮。有个叫Lorraine Clissold的英国人在中国逛了一大圈之后写了本关于这里的“饮食智慧”的书— 《Why the Chinese Don't Count Calories》,直译为“为什么中国人不去计算卡路里”。(书的中文名为《你吃了吗》。)
为了克服这种种高难度的障碍,我们为想Keep Fit又不认死理的公司人们准备了一些简易的控制热量的方法,它并不能取代那些计算BMI(身体质量指数)、BMR(基础代谢率)、WHR(腰围比值)后,每吃一口菜、每走一步路都得记录在案的完整版热量控制计划,但这些方法好像更好执行。
1 在超市里
买米不买面(热量摄入 232大卡/日)
每天买米似乎有点搞笑,但从每月总量上来控制是不难的。同样质量的馒头、花卷、面条等面粉类食物的热量几乎是米饭的两倍。每天200克蒸米饭摄入232 大卡的热量比号称“最健康”的全麦面包的530大卡不知好上多少,如果再加入少量热量相当,但膳食纤维更丰富的粗粮就更好了。
飘过零食区 (0大卡?)
2 在餐馆里
60平方厘米的“手掌三角形”可以放下3个樱桃番茄、6颗葡萄、50克米饭……它与食物之间的适应关系还可以继续扩展。每日应摄取的360克粮食用“三角形”累积起来,是一个高7厘米的三角形金字塔,午餐吃上4厘米,晚上吃上3厘米刚好合适,共摄入390大卡。一份水煮牛肉重量在七八百克之间,热量 1000大卡。把手掺和进红亮亮的麻辣汤汁中不是一个明智的选择,片片牛肉则方便用手去度量。一个“三角形”可以放下3片,质量约20克,热量值25大卡。吃上3个“三角形”就可以开始转吃别的了。番茄炒鸡蛋重约600克,热量约有500大卡。单独“提取”鸡蛋和番茄来估算不太方便,直接吃上一个“三角形”就有约50大卡,够了。蔬菜不太好用三角形度量,可这个东西热量不高,随意吃吧,不怕。
3 在快餐店里
如果没有时间在家里做好午饭,去快餐店解决是多数公司人的选择。我们通常只有一个小时去解决占一天热量摄入总数40% 的午饭,并且对自己吃进去的食物不怎么了解。想象一下,面前的吉野家牛肉饭自动分解成脂肪、蛋白质、盐分、碳水化合物,还有吸收的热量,这些东西漂浮在你的面前,似乎有些不可思议。但一天可能只有三次机会去关心自己摄入的卡路里,关注自己摄入的热量值也是生活品质的一种表现。
4 随时随地都能减少热量
Monday, 26 August 2013
[知识] 3种缺水肌肤正确保湿法
[产品] Debeauty 四大产品!
Reborn Collagen Plus
Reborn Nutri Bifidus
Renux Panda Eye Mask
Lecithin Green Coffee
Thursday, 15 August 2013
【Product Details】 Renux Panda EyeMask
'How's your eye area?' Don’t be stressed out because of puffy eyes or dark circles.
Product Details
The whitening and anti-wrinkle cellulose mask is used for the eyes to restore dull and dark skin, and to remove spots and freckles around the eyes. It contains 10% highly-enriched pure vitamin C, vitamin E, fermented ingredients (beans, mistletoe, bacillus, licorice, gastrodia) and honey that help strengthen and brighten skin around the eyes, keeping them nourished and moisturized. Simply put the mask around the eyes.
Main ingredient
- High fuctional fermented effective ingredients (Centella asiatica, Γ-PGA, Fermented yeast/,istletoe extract, Fermented hair root extract, lactobacillus acidohilus, Fermented soybean extract, Filterd fermenting rice extract)
- Honey, Arbutin, licorice, adenosine, peptide, taurin
How To Use
1. After high-grade laser and beauty treatment on the eye area, fit mask over face.
2. Remove mask sheet after 20-30 minutes until mask becomes dry because (Each mask sheet contains as much as one bottle of fermented essence).
Suitable Skin Type - All Skin Type
Monday, 5 August 2013
【Renux Panda Eye Mask】
现在有了Debeauty 最新产品!
Debeauty Renux Panda Eye Mask!
再夜睡都好,只要一天敷一对Renux Panda Eye Mask,
一盒价钱Rm165[西马] Rm180[东马]
[Renux Panda Eye Mask] 三大改善
美白 - 美白并减少眼睛范围的黝黑肤色
2.[Skin Reformation]
肌肤改造 - 含有发酵蜂蜜精华素的纤维素绒面膜
3.[Damage Control Around the eye area]
眼部损伤控制 - 最大限度地减少黝黑的皮肤下眼区和美白,减少细小皱纹
[Renux Panda Eye Mask] 成份
1.[Centalla Asiatica Extract]
积雪草 - 可以紧致表皮连接部分,能使皮肤变柔软,有助于解决皮肤松弛现象,使皮肤光滑有弹性;帮助促进真皮中胶原蛋白形成,使纤维蛋白再生,重新连接起来。让眼部肌肤变得有弹性,结实,去除眼袋和眼部的鱼尾纹。
胜肽 - 胜肽可影响皮肤的功能,他们因氨基酸排列组合的不同而产生不同功效。胜肽能对抗敏感,抗发炎,保护肌肤对抗紫外线对皮肤的伤害;胜肽含有细胞生长因子,能加速修护伤口,增加上皮组织再生,保护角质层,刺激胶原蛋白的增生,减少皱纹,增加肌肤弹性与光泽恢复肌肤年轻。最重要的是它可以压制黑色素刺激荷尔蒙的形成,阻止黑色素的产生,对美白领域是崭新的突破。对于黑眼圈是有莫大的帮助!
3.[Koji Gastrodia Elata Ferment]
曲酸与天麻 - 主要作用是用于美白皮肤。除此之外还能有效的减淡雀斑和其它皮肤深色斑点,减轻黄褐斑,雀斑,太阳斑和其他不明显的色素沉着还可以减少肌肤黑色素分泌量。具有高强的抗氧化作用和抗菌特性,能够有效杀死导致粉刺的细胞,从而减少眼部粉刺。
4.[Licorice Extract]
甘草 - 具有超强的抗氧化功能与杀菌作用,将 PANDA EYE ESSENCE MASK 服在眼部肌肤上,皮肤受阳光损伤的程度相等减轻也能减少黑斑,祛斑的形成,更能帮助去除暗疮和粉刺。
Thursday, 1 August 2013
【Reborn nutri Bifidus - 重生整益菌】
De beauty reborn lecithin green coffee 品牌大使 - brandy akiko
腸胃可以說是人體中最勞累的器官之一,每天必須消化、吸收人體中進進出出的食物,以提供體內各器官與細胞足夠的養份,一旦腸道開始老化,身體的細胞也將隨之衰老,也因此,平時如何保養自己的腸胃道,顯得格外重要。醫師建議大眾: 加強體內有益菌的生長,活化腸道細胞,每個人都可擁有健康腸胃環境。
人體腸內的細菌可分為三大類:一、 有益菌,二、是有害菌,三、是伺機菌。隨著年紀的增長,有益菌會愈來愈少,有害菌則不斷增加,腸道亦隨之逐漸老化。若能保持腸內的有益菌數量,進一步將有害菌逐出體外,想要長命百歲絕非痴人說夢。馬偕醫院淡水分院營養課課長趙強也指出,這些有益菌可以在腸內產生醋酸等有機酸(即所謂的短鏈脂肪酸,SCFA)和乳酸,造成腸內的酸性環境,有利於自身的成長,同時控制有害菌的生長。不僅如此,這些有機酸更可以直接作為腸道表皮黏膜細胞的能源,使細胞的代謝與替換更加正常順暢,維持腸道黏膜的完整性,有益腸道健康的保持。
要如何讓體內的有益菌(特別是bifidus菌)維持不減呢?最好的方法,莫過於從飲食、生活及服藥習慣加以著手。 提出以下三點,供民眾參考:
4.適量飲用果汁:一般而言,柳橙汁具有增加水份和輕微刺激腸道蠕動的功能,若是柳橙汁效果不佳時,可以用黑棗汁,黑棗汁刺激腸道蠕動的效果更強,不過要注意用量,最好從少量(每天約五十西西)開始增加,以免引起腹瀉 。
Stomach can be said that the human body is one of the most overworked organ, every day digestion and absorption of food and out of the body, in order to provide sufficient body organs and cell nutrients, once the intestines begin to age, the body's cells will vary The aging, therefore, usually how to care for their own gastrointestinal tract is particularly important. Doctors recommend Volkswagen: strengthening growth of beneficial bacteria in vivo, activation of intestinal cells, each person can have a healthy gastrointestinal environment.
I believe that many people have experienced such an event: the elderly just stepped off on the toilet, is a burst of oncoming stench lingering a long time. The main reason is the aging gut full of harmful bacteria, so that older people excrement filled with intense stench.
In fact, young people eat a lot of meat or constipation, often with the stench of corruption, which is harmful bacteria break down foods caused foul smells. In these stinking it in, contains many carcinogens, accelerated aging of the material, everyday life if the stomach into disrepair, it is easy sick, even lead to cancer.
Human intestinal bacteria can be divided into three categories: First, there are bacteria, two, harmful bacteria, three, is opportunistic bacteria. As she grew older, there will be fewer and fewer bacteria and harmful bacteria is increasing intestinal also come gradually aging. If we can maintain the beneficial bacteria in the intestines number of further expulsion of harmful bacteria in vitro, by no means want longevity nonsense. Branch of Mackay Memorial Hospital Nutrition Division, freshwater Qiang also pointed out that these beneficial bacteria in the intestines can produce acetic acid and other organic acids (the so-called short-chain fatty acids, SCFA) and lactic acid, causing intestinal acidic environment conducive to their own growth, while controlling the growth of harmful bacteria. Moreover, these acids can also be used directly as intestinal mucosal cells of epidermal energy metabolism of the cells and replaced by a more normal and smooth, to maintain the integrity of the intestinal mucosa, intestinal health benefits remain.
In fact, the beneficial bacteria in the human body from birth that is present in the gut, and in breast milk after feeding intestinal bacteria to become dominant ethnic group in breastfeeding infants, body Neibifeide coli (Bifidus) can be accounted for intestinal the total number of bacteria in more than 95 percent (formula fed baby will reduce), but after the start feeding food will decrease.
Xie Ying Hua Zhuren also stressed that the baby was born five days or so, almost all intestinal bacteria beneficial bacteria. After weaning, the baby grew harmful intestinal bacteria, but still capable of balancing each other once if they lose balance, diseases will waiting in the wings. It is understood that in the cold, diarrhea, constipation, peptic ulcer, liver cirrhosis patients, which can be found in the intestinal bifidus bacteria and harmful bacteria while reducing the relative increase of the phenomenon.
When a person in the office Chuibei fierce because they are tired, breathless climbing stairs, or a big nap on the bus during the day, should be alert to their own predilection gastrointestinal diseases who might want to take supplement the body's beneficial bacteria. Assess the degree of aging gut As for how to know the status of their intestinal bacteria, or the degree of aging gut, through the stool color, flavor, volume, shape and hardness measured: Color: Yellow closer the better, deeper Brown intestinal healing old.
Smell: the more pungent sour smell burnt smell, smell of corruption, the more representative of the intestines aging.
Shape: a bar, a diameter of about two to three centimeters stool shape is the most normal, soft stools or rabbit-like particles in the stool, on behalf of the intestines than aging.
They amount: The amount of time two to three hundred - three hundred grams of the most suitable, too little is not good. Hardness: stool containing about seventy-five to eighty percent of the water, the discharge no sense of resistance or pressure, or if the dry hard row blew out, and intestinal disorders are a phenomenon.
How to make the body's beneficial bacteria (especially bifidus bacteria) to maintain unabated it? The best way, than from the diet, living habits and medication to proceed. Asked the following three points for the reference:
1.Not a partial eclipse: eclipse long protein and fat, metabolic substances can lead to intestinal aging, make rough skin, headache, nausea, dizziness.
2.Relieve stress: before the exam diarrhea, stomach discomfort when taking office report, are the mental stress caused by intestinal bacteria imbalance results.
3.Long-term use of antibiotics can not be anti-inflammatory: Long-term use of antibiotics will kill normal intestinal bacteria, causing opportunistic bacteria violations.
Six Tips for intestinal health
Supplemented with bacteria by direct way, really good intestinal bacteria can improve the problem of inadequate diet and exercise, but if there is no co-ordination in this way will not be sustained. Therefore, he also offers six normal intestinal health tips, so that people can "smooth integration":
1.Adequate intake of water: drinking enough water is to solve the constipation first priority. Fasting can get a drink of cold water, stimulate intestinal peristalsis and facilitate results.
2.Adequate intake of dietary fiber: Dietary fiber can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria, and can absorb water in the intestines, the stool volume increases, stimulating intestinal peristalsis, facilitate defecation.
3.With yogurt instead of dairy products: food made with beneficial bacteria viable yogurt or yogurt, help defecation, while an increase in calcium intake.
4.Moderate drinking juice: In general, water and orange juice with a slight increase in the function of stimulating intestinal peristalsis, if ineffective orange juice, you can use Prune juice Prune juice stimulates intestinal peristalsis effect stronger, but note dosage, preferably from a small (approximately 50cc per day) began to increase, so as not to cause diarrhea.
5.Appropriate use of oligosaccharides: oligosaccharides can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, help to relieve constipation. But remember from a few (five grams or less per day) began to increase, to find their own weight, so as to avoid excessive diarrhea.
6.Regular exercise: Regular exercise can improve physical function, intestinal activity will also be affected, and can relax and favorable intestinal motility and the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, to know: The pressure will kill the beneficial bacteria in the intestines kind.
腸胃可以說是人體中最勞累的器官之一,每天必須消化、吸收人體中進進出出的食物,以提供體內各器官與細胞足夠的養份,一旦腸道開始老化,身體的細胞也將隨之衰老,也因此,平時如何保養自己的腸胃道,顯得格外重要。醫師建議大眾: 加強體內有益菌的生長,活化腸道細胞,每個人都可擁有健康腸胃環境。
人體腸內的細菌可分為三大類:一、 有益菌,二、是有害菌,三、是伺機菌。隨著年紀的增長,有益菌會愈來愈少,有害菌則不斷增加,腸道亦隨之逐漸老化。若能保持腸內的有益菌數量,進一步將有害菌逐出體外,想要長命百歲絕非痴人說夢。馬偕醫院淡水分院營養課課長趙強也指出,這些有益菌可以在腸內產生醋酸等有機酸(即所謂的短鏈脂肪酸,SCFA)和乳酸,造成腸內的酸性環境,有利於自身的成長,同時控制有害菌的生長。不僅如此,這些有機酸更可以直接作為腸道表皮黏膜細胞的能源,使細胞的代謝與替換更加正常順暢,維持腸道黏膜的完整性,有益腸道健康的保持。
要如何讓體內的有益菌(特別是bifidus菌)維持不減呢?最好的方法,莫過於從飲食、生活及服藥習慣加以著手。 提出以下三點,供民眾參考:
4.適量飲用果汁:一般而言,柳橙汁具有增加水份和輕微刺激腸道蠕動的功能,若是柳橙汁效果不佳時,可以用黑棗汁,黑棗汁刺激腸道蠕動的效果更強,不過要注意用量,最好從少量(每天約五十西西)開始增加,以免引起腹瀉 。
Stomach can be said that the human body is one of the most overworked organ, every day digestion and absorption of food and out of the body, in order to provide sufficient body organs and cell nutrients, once the intestines begin to age, the body's cells will vary The aging, therefore, usually how to care for their own gastrointestinal tract is particularly important. Doctors recommend Volkswagen: strengthening growth of beneficial bacteria in vivo, activation of intestinal cells, each person can have a healthy gastrointestinal environment.
I believe that many people have experienced such an event: the elderly just stepped off on the toilet, is a burst of oncoming stench lingering a long time. The main reason is the aging gut full of harmful bacteria, so that older people excrement filled with intense stench.
In fact, young people eat a lot of meat or constipation, often with the stench of corruption, which is harmful bacteria break down foods caused foul smells. In these stinking it in, contains many carcinogens, accelerated aging of the material, everyday life if the stomach into disrepair, it is easy sick, even lead to cancer.
Human intestinal bacteria can be divided into three categories: First, there are bacteria, two, harmful bacteria, three, is opportunistic bacteria. As she grew older, there will be fewer and fewer bacteria and harmful bacteria is increasing intestinal also come gradually aging. If we can maintain the beneficial bacteria in the intestines number of further expulsion of harmful bacteria in vitro, by no means want longevity nonsense. Branch of Mackay Memorial Hospital Nutrition Division, freshwater Qiang also pointed out that these beneficial bacteria in the intestines can produce acetic acid and other organic acids (the so-called short-chain fatty acids, SCFA) and lactic acid, causing intestinal acidic environment conducive to their own growth, while controlling the growth of harmful bacteria. Moreover, these acids can also be used directly as intestinal mucosal cells of epidermal energy metabolism of the cells and replaced by a more normal and smooth, to maintain the integrity of the intestinal mucosa, intestinal health benefits remain.
In fact, the beneficial bacteria in the human body from birth that is present in the gut, and in breast milk after feeding intestinal bacteria to become dominant ethnic group in breastfeeding infants, body Neibifeide coli (Bifidus) can be accounted for intestinal the total number of bacteria in more than 95 percent (formula fed baby will reduce), but after the start feeding food will decrease.
Xie Ying Hua Zhuren also stressed that the baby was born five days or so, almost all intestinal bacteria beneficial bacteria. After weaning, the baby grew harmful intestinal bacteria, but still capable of balancing each other once if they lose balance, diseases will waiting in the wings. It is understood that in the cold, diarrhea, constipation, peptic ulcer, liver cirrhosis patients, which can be found in the intestinal bifidus bacteria and harmful bacteria while reducing the relative increase of the phenomenon.
When a person in the office Chuibei fierce because they are tired, breathless climbing stairs, or a big nap on the bus during the day, should be alert to their own predilection gastrointestinal diseases who might want to take supplement the body's beneficial bacteria. Assess the degree of aging gut As for how to know the status of their intestinal bacteria, or the degree of aging gut, through the stool color, flavor, volume, shape and hardness measured: Color: Yellow closer the better, deeper Brown intestinal healing old.
Smell: the more pungent sour smell burnt smell, smell of corruption, the more representative of the intestines aging.
Shape: a bar, a diameter of about two to three centimeters stool shape is the most normal, soft stools or rabbit-like particles in the stool, on behalf of the intestines than aging.
They amount: The amount of time two to three hundred - three hundred grams of the most suitable, too little is not good. Hardness: stool containing about seventy-five to eighty percent of the water, the discharge no sense of resistance or pressure, or if the dry hard row blew out, and intestinal disorders are a phenomenon.
How to make the body's beneficial bacteria (especially bifidus bacteria) to maintain unabated it? The best way, than from the diet, living habits and medication to proceed. Asked the following three points for the reference:
1.Not a partial eclipse: eclipse long protein and fat, metabolic substances can lead to intestinal aging, make rough skin, headache, nausea, dizziness.
2.Relieve stress: before the exam diarrhea, stomach discomfort when taking office report, are the mental stress caused by intestinal bacteria imbalance results.
3.Long-term use of antibiotics can not be anti-inflammatory: Long-term use of antibiotics will kill normal intestinal bacteria, causing opportunistic bacteria violations.
Six Tips for intestinal health
Supplemented with bacteria by direct way, really good intestinal bacteria can improve the problem of inadequate diet and exercise, but if there is no co-ordination in this way will not be sustained. Therefore, he also offers six normal intestinal health tips, so that people can "smooth integration":
1.Adequate intake of water: drinking enough water is to solve the constipation first priority. Fasting can get a drink of cold water, stimulate intestinal peristalsis and facilitate results.
2.Adequate intake of dietary fiber: Dietary fiber can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria, and can absorb water in the intestines, the stool volume increases, stimulating intestinal peristalsis, facilitate defecation.
3.With yogurt instead of dairy products: food made with beneficial bacteria viable yogurt or yogurt, help defecation, while an increase in calcium intake.
4.Moderate drinking juice: In general, water and orange juice with a slight increase in the function of stimulating intestinal peristalsis, if ineffective orange juice, you can use Prune juice Prune juice stimulates intestinal peristalsis effect stronger, but note dosage, preferably from a small (approximately 50cc per day) began to increase, so as not to cause diarrhea.
5.Appropriate use of oligosaccharides: oligosaccharides can promote the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, help to relieve constipation. But remember from a few (five grams or less per day) began to increase, to find their own weight, so as to avoid excessive diarrhea.
6.Regular exercise: Regular exercise can improve physical function, intestinal activity will also be affected, and can relax and favorable intestinal motility and the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, to know: The pressure will kill the beneficial bacteria in the intestines kind.
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